dj Blahuczyn


I'm not finished yet, but I am glad that God is making me to be an artist just as He is molding me and shaping me into a better person.  Art is what I do while I wait for the completion of His workmanship.  I'm not a professional artist by any means.  I just love the challengesof the activity and like to share the results with others.  After spending half my life framing other artists' works, I am finally doing what I have always loved.  Drawing and painting have always been a great escape and a sweet harbor of blessing for me.  A place I can be quiet, and like prayer, I often find that I am blessed with God's own presence with me there.  I believe this to be true for everyone who is exercising thier God-given talents and gifts, professionally or vocationally.I first became acquainted with the joy of art as a child of 5 or 6 learning from the Saturday morning TV show, Learning to Draw with Jon Gnagy.  I became hooked for life.  After pencil drawing, my preferred media to work in was oil.  I was strongly attracted to the fragrance of the oils and turpentine on my hands.  Quite the perfume!  It wasn't until I did a mural for a church wall that I discovered the friendly properties of house paint as a canvas medium and that I could achieve the same results in my paintings as I did with my oils.  "Teenage Angst" and "Good for the Heart" are my experimental pieces with house paint on canvas.  With these successes I gave my oils away to a friend who was short on cash for art supplies.  I am a member of the River Ridge Association of Fine Arts here in Spokane,WA and through it have opportunities to show my work. 

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