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Bill Werle
to receive their most current artwork
20" x 16"
October, 28th 2012
©2012 Bill WerleAcrylic 20" x 16" Canvas One night up at our favorite little lake in the mountains about midnight or so we were introduced to the sounds of a barn owl. It was India ink black with only the Milkyway above and the dying coals of our campfire illuminating our site.Before I say any more have a listen.Sounds of a Barn Owl - will open a new window to a Youtube video.Yeah, need I really say more? I'll only add that the mind does wonderful things with possibilities when faced with the unknown. More often than not that huge problem/Sasquatch your facing (hey now, it IS the Pacific Northwest!) turns out to be a tiny little problem/bird.Figments of Your Imagination - More Info