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12" x 9"
January, 17th 2016
"NEW APPLES", oil on panel, image size 12" x 9", Frame size: 15" x 12".A seventeenth century Spanish Colonial village on two hundred acres of spectacularly beautiful rural land is the setting for this portrait of a young girl. Located south of Santa Fe, New Mexico, El Rancho De Las Golondrinas (The Ranch Of The Swallows) hosts varied annual events from April through early October. It was during the Harvest Festival one year when I spied the subject for this painting. Dressed in authentically appropriate garments, she was a picture, indeed, in her over-sized cotton mob cap and off-white cotton homespun dress. A purple scarf hung casually from around her neck, catching my eye as I wandered past. Intent on holding onto the apples she'd been picking from the heavily laden trees behind her, she was cradling them in her voluminous skirt.She was such a picture, that I couldn't resist paintingher.www.rushcolefineart.com/MORESmallerWorksOtherSubjects.htmlClick on website image for additional views.