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Rush Cole
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9" x 12"
January, 18th 2016
Original Drawing:Charcoal & Conte Crayon I admit it, I am totally over-the-moon in love with big white horses. Well, actually, with all things equine; however, there is something about the sight of a glorious white horse on the move that makes me itch to pick up a pencil or brush or camera. The feeling is a craving that I never quite fulfill, although I've painted numerous white horses in my life. "KNIGHT IN WHITE SATIN" was inspired by Andalusian (P.R.E. Pura Raza Espanol) gray stallions I watched in the show ring at the Earl Warren Show Grounds in Santa Barbara in September of 2013. Panning with my camera and long lens as the awesome creatures cantered the length of the arena and back again, their handlers running like track stars to keep up, I was, at times, hard pressed to keep photographing. Part of me wanted nothing between my eyes and the magic of those powerful horses floating with astonishingly graceful ease and lightness, through sunlight and shadow; noble, four-footed knights in white satin.www.rushcolefineart.com/MORESmallerWorksOtherSubjects.html